Charlotte, NC
Charleston, SC
Columbia, SC
Greensboro, High Point
& Winston Salem, NC
Raleigh, Durham
& Chapel Hill, NC
& Spartanburg, SC


Healthcare – Honorable Mention

Prime Surgical Suites

Granite Falls, NC

Clark Patterson Lee – Charlotte

Caldwell UNC Healthcare Rivercrest Ambulatory Surgery Center is a state-of-the-art surgical facility that was carefully and skillfully planned to be easily accessible to the growing population of Caldwell County residents in North Carolina. This comprehensive center provides three new operating rooms and two new procedure rooms with the capability to expand, providing a multitude of outpatient services.

The design process allowed for us to work closely with the staff and patient representatives to ensure that the function, safety, durability, aesthetic, and feeling of the space were consistent with what they envisioned for their new center.

The human experience was the driving force in creating the overall design intent. This was addressed through a soothing palette and user-friendly furnishings, with emphasis on the feel of the space and what it may evoke from the patients, family members, and staff who spend time in the facility.

Natural daylight and precise lighting played a large role in achieving comfortable interior levels. This promotes a relaxed atmosphere for the patients, but also ensures an adequate atmosphere for tasks performed by the staff.

Intentional wayfinding and welcoming entryways allow for clear and comfortable navigation, eliminating extra stress or confusion on the part of the patients and their families. Waiting rooms provide lounge seating, café style access, and a fireplace to bring comfort and relaxation to visitors.

Cutting edge health services combined with intentional and efficient design have allowed both ease of access and comfort in care to the patients and their families.

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