Calling all Students!

Every voice is important in advocating for the interior design profession; your voice matters whether or not you are a student, a seasoned veteran, beginning your career, or an industry professional.  In an effort to kick start a new season of advocating for the rights of interior design professionals, we would like to hear from you. The IIDA Carolina’s chapter will be hosting an advocacy scholastic award based on two essay topics that impact the design industry.

Topic Options:

  1. How to portray a positive image of the interior design professiona. What are the key issues designers face in terms of credibility?
    b. How do you propose overcoming our current public perception?
  2. How does regulated design affect a clients quality of life?a. Provide examples
    b. Provide factual data
    c. Contrast three fields of design?

Essay Requirements: 150-250 word essay on selected topic based on options above.


First and second place along with two runner ups will be selected by a jury of interior design and business professionals. Entries will be judged based on quality of research, presentation of current industry issues and thoughtful solutions to the topic chosen.

1st Place – $200 Visa Gift Card + $60 Student Membership to IIDA

2nd Place – $100 Visa Gift Card + $60 Student Membership to IIDA

Runner Ups (2) – $60 Student Memberships to IIDA



Send questions & entries to: Shannon Mckenzie, VP of Advocacy

Click link for more information and details!